Saturday Camp
Ages 3 –10

Choose a Membership
Choose between the Annual Membership or Monthly Membership. The Membership covers the activity fees for enrollment. Annual Membership gives families access to enroll in full camp semesters (such as Saturday Camp from January to June and Summer Camp full sessions). Both Annual And Monthly Membership allows families to register for Drop-In Camp (families can choose individual days as needed).
Select Add-Ons
Add-On services such as Lunch or Late Pick Up are available to be added to your registration for added convenience.
Register For Camp
Enroll in full camp semesters or Drop-In camp services. Only members who have paid the activity fee can access registration.
Let The Adventures Begin
Our Little Prospects, will have so much fun and look forward to getting to camp. You’ll enjoy the extra time you’ll have on your hands.
Annual Membership covers the annual activity fee that allows members to register campers for bundles and full camp sessions. Families can register for the entire season and enjoy huge savings on camp and add-on services.
Monthly Membership covers the monthly activity fee for campers. Members gain access to Drop-In services on an as needed basis, with complete access to add-ons.